It Takes a Village:
Uma Andorinha Não Faz Verão
Worldwide, many thousands of researchers and engineers devote themselves to "Magnetism and Magnetic Materials". At this time I'd estimate a lower bound on "magneticians who use Twitter" at 200. I'd guess that the vast majority of those occasionally tweet about their work. I've seen many tweets from conferences, but others announcing a newly published paper or sharing information about some event or happening that matters to us.
As magneticians, let's seek inspiration in Ferromagnetism: a cooperative phenomena that is breath-taking when comprehended.
A handful of Twitter-users will not have much impact on MMM61 -- or on the future of the conference, much less the overall demographics magnetism-related activity.
To coin yet another phrase illustrating the importance of cooperation, "one spin does not a ferromagnet make". Feel free to create and tweet a better one.
Call to Action (casual crowd-sourcing?)
Choose one or more of the following multi-step items:
A) Recruit Veterans:
- Identify one or two fellow magneticians who use Twitter.
- Follow them on Twitter
- Invite them to follow @MagnetismOrg
- Repeat
B) Recruit Newbies:
- Identify a magnetician who you believe is susceptible (no pun intended)
- Show them the sort of stories, facts, figures, images available to us via Twitter
- Show them that even before setting up an account, they can follow thousands of topics of interest on Twitter, including the world of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
- Coach them through setting up an account and setting up a list of sources to follow, including @MagnetismOrg
- Repeat
C) Identify low-hanging fruit for (A) -- good choice if you are, shall we say, shy.
- Think of magneticians who might possibly already be Twitter users, possibly referring to current journals or to past conference proceedings
- Attempt to locate them on Twitter
- If you find them, tell us (@MagnetismOrg admins) about it.
D) Contribute to discussions about Social Media and Science (MMM or otherwise)
- Share your thoughts on what can be accomplished with Twitter and other Social Media channels
- Share your observations on how existing users are already illustrating (1)
- Get specific: for the MMM conference series, what are some unique contributions to be made by users of Social Media?